Monday, September 29, 2014

Tying the Breeches

The Breeches

First tied as a search pattern on the Yellow Breeches in Central Pennsylvania, the Breeches is a solid pattern in my box. It floats well, always lands on its feet, and fishes cross-hatches very effectively.  

The Breeches Recipe

Hook:  #14 Dry Fly
Thread: Light Cahill 8/0 Uni-thread
Tail:  Medium Pardo CDL
Abdomen: Tying Thread
Rib:  #18 Silver Badger Hackle
Wing:  Dun Turkey Flat Fibers
Thorax:  Peacock Herl
Hackle:  Silver Badger 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Tying the Little Green Caddis Worm (Video)

Little Green Caddis Worm

The Green Caddis Worm is a staple within most every fisherman's box and we all have our favorites.  This pattern is my personal favorite. Its simple to tie, durable, and one more catches fish.  

LGCW Recipe

Hook:  #16 Orvis Beadhead
Bead:  Black Tungsten
Thread:  6/0 Black Uni-thread
Abdomen:  Chartreuse Ultra-wire inside Clear Micro-tubing
Thorax:  Black Ice-dubbing
Wingcase:  Zap Goo

Tying the Great White Humpy (Video)

The Great White Humpy

When the Smallmouth are looking up, this is my go-to fly. Fished in the eddies and shallows of the Susquehanna River basin it has proven itself time and again. It is a great attractor and top fly for a dropper rig as well, but Smallmouth on the top is where it shines.

Great White Humpy Recipe

Hook:  #8 2XL Dry Fly
Thread: Black 6/0 Uni-thread
Tail:  Moose Body Hair
Abdomen: White Antron Yarn
Shellback:  Natural Deer Hair
Wing:  Natural Deer Hair
Hackle:  Silver Badger 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tying the Long AW (Video)

The Long AW

This aquatic worm pattern was featured in my book Tomorrow's Fish and is such a simple pattern to tie, yet catches fish everywhere. It’s tied with light brown body glass over bare hook at the abdomen, and over a red tying thread at the thorax for a perfect contrast which seems to be just the ticket.

Long AW Recipe

Hook: Caddis Emerger #10 - 14
Thread:  Brown 8/0 Uni / Red 3/0 Orvis
Body: Light Brown Orvis Body Glass

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tying the Little Olive Wet

Little Olive Wet

This pattern is my first choice for the Fall Olives. I fish it in wet fly fashion with the last 6” of tippet greased heavy to keep the pattern in or near the film.

Little Olive Wet Recipe 

Hook: Standard 2x Heavy Scud #14-18
Thread:  Olive Dun Uni-thread 6/0
Abdomen:  Olive Biot
Thorax: Olive Ice-Dub
Wing: Lemon Barred Wood Duck
Hackle: Silver Badger Brahma hen

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Small Water Popping

Small Water Bass Popping

Spending time on some nearby ponds chasing small water bass with deer hair poppers

They love those poppers.

The fly of the day was the P&G Popper

P&G Popper

Hook: #6 Gamakatsu Stinger
Thread:  Black Uni-thread 6/0
Tail:  Purple Marabou
Legs: Grizzly Hackle
Head: Purple deer hair in front of Yellow

Friday, September 12, 2014

Tying the Pine Creek Nymph

Pine Creek Nymph

This Pattern was originally tied for the Upper Pine Creek in Tioga County PA. It has become my go-to pattern in many Central PA streams over the years. I tie this pattern without weight, and finish my drifts with a Leisenring lift.

Pine Creek Nymph Recipe

Hook: Standard Curve Shank Nymph #16 - #12
Thread:  Brown Uni-thread 6/0
Tail:  Wild Turkey Tail fibers
Rib: Dark Brown Body Glass
Abdomen: Wild Turkey tail
Thorax: Insect Green dubbing
Wingcase: Wild Turkey Tail
Hackle: Furnace Hen neck

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Tying the Naches Bee (Video)

The Naches Bee

               I fondly refer to the Naches Bee as being the “Incidental hatch”.  It was tied out of curiosity after watching native Cutthroat feed on a swarm of bees along an Eastern Washington State stream. It works quite well and has since continued to work coast-to-coast.

Naches Bee Recipe

Hook: Daiichi 1270 #12
Thread: Black 6/0 Uni-thread
Abdomen: Yellow Hareline
Rib: Black Flat Waxed
Wing: Light Dun CDC, tied Delta fashion
Thorax: Dark Brown Hareline
Hackle: Black Saddle hackle V-clipped on bottom

Monday, September 8, 2014

Filling Bug Bins

The Replacements

It's always a good thing when you are refilling empty bins in your fly box. In this case, I was running low on deer hair poppers due to the recent tenacity of the local bass and bluegill.

Assorted Bug Parts

Tied on #6 Gamakatsu Stinger hooks, hair bugs have been in demand in the lily pads.

Purple and Black

The Purple and Black has been the big hitter near dusk

Friday, September 5, 2014

Tying the Briar Creek (Video)

The Briar Creek Wet

This pattern was named after the Brook Trout stream I grew up along.  An excellent pattern that has earned a permanent spot in my box for both streams and stillwater. 

Briar Creek Recipe

Hook: Standard Nymph #14-10
Thread: Black 6/0 Uni-thread
Tail:  Red Tippet
Abdomen: Natural Hareline Dubbing
Rib: Flat Gold tinsel
Hackle: Silver Badger Brahma Hen
Wing: Tipped Wood Duck

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tying the Ruby Midge (Video)

The Ruby Midge

            The Ruby is one of my favorite low-water midge patterns.  It’s a great search pattern in smaller pocket water or boulder fields. I like to fish it fairly tight-lined and actually pull it through and around boulders, along shelves and through the heads of smaller riffles and plunge pools. It is also an exceptional dropper pattern for a tandem rig.


Hook: #18 - #14 Nymph Hook
Thread: Black 8/0 Uni-thread
Bead:  Small Copper Tungsten
Abdomen:  Small Red Body Glass over Black thread
Rib: Small Copper Uni-Wire Size (BR)
Thorax:  Peacock Ice-dub

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tying the Northwest Jack (Video)

The Northwest Jack

The Northwest Jack was born around 1990 on the Northwest’s coastal rivers, and mimicked the salmon and steelhead smolt that were so abundant. It was originally tied in larger sizes, however it has adapted to its smaller version as an excellent all-around trout streamer.

Northwest Jack Recipe

Hook: 7x Daiichi 2370 "Dick Talleur" #4-8
Thread: Black 6/0 Uni-Thread
Tail: Moose Body Hair
Rib: Medium Gold Ultra-Wire
Body: Silver Mylar
Throat: Red-dyed Tippet
Wing: Black Bucktail over Blue Super Hair