Monday, April 30, 2018

Tying The Squirrels Nest Drake Nymph

Squirrels Nest Drakes

The Squirrels Nest Drake nymph is a variation of the original Caddis pattern the "Squirrels Nest".  Looking for a suitable pattern for Slate Drake nymphs (Isonychia)  I needed an elongated pattern with prominent ribbing and thorax while remaining impressionistic.  Sticking with turkey biots for both tail and wingcase added more movement than goose and body glass for ribbing completed the transition, morphing it from Caddis to Mayfly. The past couple years it has been a solid pattern for me. 

Tying the SND Nymph

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Blue-Winged Olives

Blue-Winged Olive Thorax

A few replacements for the bin that I realized was empty opening day. 

BWO Thorax

Hook:  #16 Dry
Thread: Olive Dun Uni-thread
Tail:  Medium Pardo CDL
Abdomen: Tying Thread
Wing:  Dun Turkey Flat
Hackle:  Speckled Badger (Clipped on bottom)

Friday, April 20, 2018

Almost Time!!

Bulls are Cruising the Shallows

A lone remaining late hour on a Friday was just what the doctor ordered.  It is close....I am thinking after next weeks warm-up, the water will come up a few degrees and the beds will be made.

Most fish came to the Foam-butt Caddis, but a couple smallish bass did turn on a Coyote Ugly nymph off of an 18" dropper.  

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Opening Day 2018


Opening day 2018 found my Daughter and I on Fishing Creek with friends. It was a beautiful day that was also kind enough to offer up a few fish as well.  

Productive flies were TC2, Pink Squirmy and Apricot Egg.

Aimee was on fish to start things off.  Many thanks to Len for netting this fish and several more. 

A nice fat Rainbow took her Apricot Egg

This buck was looking for an Apricot Egg as well.

The TC2 brought this colored up Brown to hand

The day came to a close with the two of us sharing the "Bend Pool" and Aimee netting this  final rainbow that couldn't resist a Pink Squirmy.

A great day on the water and memories made with family and friends. 

The TC2

Monday, April 9, 2018

Tying the Chocolate Starling

Chocolate Starlings

The Chocolate Starling is a solid search pattern for me through most of the spring. Whether fished in the surface film or as the tail end of a tandem rig, it always seems to bring it's share of fish to hand.

Tying the Chocolate Starling

Hook:  #16 Wet
Thread: Black
Tail:  Medium Pardo CDL
Abdomen: Dark Brown Turkey Biot
Hackle:  Starling 

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Early Bass

Early Bass

With the Flyers clinching a playoff spot and 48 degrees on the thermometer, I figured to make the best of the last couple hours of daylight. 

The CGR 5/6 was the rod of choice and a tandem rig of a #6 Foam-Butt Caddis with a #12 Copper Lager on a 24" dropper was what they wanted. Twitch retrieved, they were taking the small nymph when dropping  on the pause while 2 even took the FBC on top. An enjoyable 8-to-10 Gills decided to participate along with one small bass. 

Perfect medicine for the shack-nasties. 

Copper Lager

Friday, April 6, 2018

The Final Essentials Box

The Final Pennsylvania Essentials Box

After much deliberation the final tally or my Essentials/Jump box came to 42 flies. All of which includes 2/4 each of my favorite flies for the waters I regularly hit throughout the season. These 14 patterns easily account for 60-70% of my fishing throughout the year. 

(Top-2-Bottom & Left-2-Right)

TC2 Nymph
Trico Spinner/Sulphur Crackleback
Squirrels Nest Nymph
EHC #16 & 14
C2C Nymph
LTD March Brown / Sulphur
RP Starling Wet
Cree Variant / Limestone
McFlyfoam Eggs (Iliamna Pink/Steelhead Orange/Apricot)
Little Crappie Fly (Far Left)
Golden retriever (Far Right)

Could I add more?....Sure. With easily another 6-7 heavy hitters. But they are pattern far more water or time of year specific. 

If you had to build a similar box for your water....what would it look like? 

Would love to hear it.

See you on the water!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Building Spring Boxes

Building the Spring Boxes

With Opening day traditions fast approaching, time to cull patterns not needed and restock those that are.  

Still working on the Nymph/Streamer box.

The Dry Box

First and foremost, the LTD bins are ready.


Wets and Midge Box

Love wets. And a magnet box is a requirement for me and midge patterns on the water.  Trust me, chumming Griffith Gnats does not work.


San Juan and Squiggly Box

Traditionalists please avert your eyes.  But This box has saved many a day. Wouldn't leave home without it. 


Bead Box

New for this year....Trout Beads  Spent a lot of hours tying these puppies up. Notice how perfect I got them?  


And finally!...The most important box.

The Essentials Box.

30 flies

(Still missing 3 LTD's and 3 EHC's)

This box remains in my truck along with a 7' 4wt Cane and Silk Glass rod and a 100yd spool of 4lb Stren Flourocast for tippet.

See you on the water!