Thursday, April 18, 2019

Spring Openers 2019

Spring Openers

The Spring openers for both warm and cold water have come and gone.

Trout season offered up a nice buttered-up brown that chose to take an Apricot and Steelhead Orange McFly foam egg.

While a few days strung together in the 70's brought the fish in the local shallow ponds to the top.

The X-Gurgler was the only thing that caught their attention

While no big bulls in the shallows just yet, they were  aggressive enough to keep the dinks away.

One lone bass at dusk decided to leave its lily pad shelter

Good luck to all on this year waters.


  1. Ralph
    You make fly tying look so easy and entertaining---nice brown just wondering if you was using an indicator with the egg pattern? I am wondering if the bluegill fly would be effective with cream or white foam? I missed the size hook you was using to tie the bluegill fly??? Really impressed with this fly; I could see the big bulls on Smith Lake killing it. Thanks for sharing

    1. Bill, thanks for stopping by, Yes, the egg was on an indicator rig. The anchor fly was a Coyote Ugly nymph. The X-Gurgler is originally tied with a #10 standard dry hook. I also tie it a bit larger on a #6 Gamakatsu stinger hook, which gives better hookups when bass are likely. I would imagine white would work just fine. I tie it in yellow, withe orange legs and it fishes well. But hands down the most effective for me is the black with white legs. I believe its the contrast. The black also trumps the other colors for me with bass specifically.
