The Unexpected yet Short Modeling Career of a Cicada
As a fly tier, certain things catch our eye or peak our curiosity in instances where non-tiers would see nothing more than a dead bug. Such was the case when I "stepped across" this unlikely modelling participant. Instantly I paused, thought to myself "Awesome, nothings broken!" And put it in my car. Upon getting it home and a bit of studying I came to the realization that it in fact had several characteristics akin to "Whistler's Mother".
1: Neither this Cicada nor Whistler's Mother had planned on a modelling career on their given day.
2: Both....only after close study....have truly amazing characteristics when applied to the canvas.
3: Both needed to be propped up for the duration of their work.
4: And lastly, both appeared to have recently spend 10-13 years in the dirt.
After the piscatorial romance we fly tiers share with Entomologists passed over like a wave, I gathered up my model and headed for the bench.
Now, I am the first to admit, that I am not a "classically trained" realistic fly tier. I barely fall into the "trained at all" category. But like a 4 year old with a screw driver looking at a light socket...sometimes I just can't help myself.
With materials at hand, and a process that developed as it went, here is what I came up with.
The likelihood of this pattern ever being duplicated again, is extremely small. It WILL however.....be fished.
Cicadidae's Mother Recipe
Hook: 2/0 Gamakatsu Stinger
Thread: Black 3/0 Uni-thread
Body: Brown & Green Fly Foam
Wing: Nylon Mesh
Abdomen: Root beer and Black Shiraz
Legs: Yelllow and Olive Centipede
Eyes: Paracord W/Melted ends
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