Friday, May 11, 2018

BOOK REVIEW: Streamwalkers Journey

Streamwalker's Journey

Fishing The Triple Divide

By:  Walt Franklin

As a fan of Walt's blog Rivertop Rambles  I was intrigued when I saw the announcement for this book. While I have enjoyed his style of Piscatorial ramblings I also have an intimate knowledge of many of the waters he haunts as well. This can be a two-edged sword however when an authors thoughts reach print, as like it or not we all see much of the same water through our own shade of glasses. Water in which you have been touched by often seems slightly off when described by another.  So it was, with hesitancy I cracked open the covers of this book. 

My worries proved unfounded however after the first few passages. Walt brings you to the places he loves and completes the setting for you as you read along. His love for the Triple Divide region is obvious and though at times his passion for it may surpass the casual reader, it is never enough to cause one to take pause or put the book down. Quickly he brings you back to that which brought you to these pages. The desire to share his journey along waters he is blessed to frequent, enjoy time on the water with fly rod in hand through his words and get to know the author just little bit better. 

Well written and greatly enjoyed!

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